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Band classes are offered to all grade levels at Ramona, regardless of experience.
6th Grade Band - Band for students who have played an instrument in elementary school. No audition is necessary to be in 6th Grade Band.
Prep Band - Band for students who have never played an instrument before. Beginners may choose to play flute, clarinet, trumpet, or trombone. No audition is necessary to be in Prep Band.
Symphonic Band - For 7th and 8th grade students who have one or two years of playing experience. No audition is necessary to be in Symphonic Band.
Wind Ensemble - Band for 7th and 8th grade students with two or more years of playing experience.  A successful audition is required to participate in Wind Ensemble.
Jazz Band - Zero period band for students interested in jazz music. A successful audition is required to participate.  Zero Period Jazz band students must also be in Symphonic Band or Wind Ensemble.