New Student Enrollment
New Student Enrollment
New Student Enrollment
New Student Enrollment
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Live within our School Boundaries:
What you need to do:
Click Here to complete new student enrollment for 2024 - 2025
A Ramona staff member will reach out to you once pending enrollment is complete
You will need to provide:
Copy of parent/guardian driver's license
Immunization Records
Birth Certificate
2 proofs of residence (utility bill ie. gas, water, electic bill,)
Most recent grades, attendance and discipline from previous school
Inter-District Permit (Live outside district boundaries)
Request an Intra-District Permit from your school of residence
When approved take permit to Bonita Unified School District Office Student Services: 115 W. Allen Ave San Dimas, CA 91773
You will need to provide the following to the Ramona Office Staff:
Most recent grade report
Attendance Records
Discipline Records
Most recent copy of IEP if applicable
Intra-District Permit (Live inside district boundaries, but not within Ramona's boundardies)
Request an Intra-District Permit from BUSD District Office or complete the online form here:
When approved take permit to Bonita Unified School District Office Student Services: 115 W. Allen Ave San Dimas, CA 91773
You will need to provide the following to the Ramona Office Staff:
Most recent grade report
Attendance Records
Discipline Records
Most recent copy of IEP if applicable