Grades - Click HERE to view the Aeries Grade Portal
PTA - Click HERE to learn more about PTA at Ramona
Volunteer - Click HERE to learn more about volunteering at Ramona
Yearbook - Click HERE to learn about dedications in the school yearbook
There are many online tools you can use to support your Viking's learning at school. Check out the Slide show linked below to learn how to create Aeries and Canvas parent accounts.
Supporting your Student with Parent Accounts in Aeries and Canvas
Looking for dates/times for orientation, registration, or any other events? Check out the updated School Calendar.
Students are able to call Harvey Mudd and get free homework help in Math and Science. Harvey Mudd has copies of the textbooks we use and employ 36 tutors to help students over the phone. The hours of operation are Sunday-Thursday 6p.m.-9p.m. Math and Science teachers will be receiving handouts to give to students. These services are free to all students grades 4-12.