Library information
Library information
Library information
Ramona's library is generally open for student use before school and during nutrition break and lunch. Students must have their ID cards with them and may use computers and workspaces for academic purposes.
Click HERE for the library catalogue
Replacement Fees/Fines to be paid at the Student Store:
ID Cards: Every student that takes a school picture will receive an ID card. If lost, stolen or broken you can replace your card for $5 at the student store. A replacement card will be ready in approximately 1-2 days.
Student Planner/Agendas: All 6th grade students will receive one agenda – to replace this book it will cost $5 and you will receive a new one at the time of payment.
Replacement Fees/Fines to be paid in the front office:
AR Books: All students will receive one book if you need to replace this book it will be $5 and you will receive a new book at the time of payment.
Library fines: Any student with a library fine, lost or damaged books (cost is determined by Library staff)